Thursday, September 27, 2007

RSS - Really Spellbinding Stuff

So I've now managed to subscribe to a few sites. I can't believe how much "stuff" is out there to be read. Kathryn has given us a few ideas of places we can source feeds, but there is so much more there, if you want to seek out blogs with interesting themes.

I can see that one might never have to resort to TV, newspapers and magazines again to find out what is happening "out there". I don't think it would be difficult to become addicted to living on the net. Of course there are many useful things one can do with RSS for work purposes too, but so far I'm just looking at whatever catches my eye. I have a new toy and it is so much fun!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Post is In

I've finally done it! This is my first ever blog. The hardest thing was actually choosing names and designs for the blog. I'm looking forward to customising my page, but I'm a bit too busy to do that right now. I want to experiment with colours, and will eventually get to uploading pictures etc.

I'm a secretive kind of soul, but I think some of you MU 23 Thingers will work me out soon.

My goal is just to get through the 23 Things by the end of the year. The greatest obstacle to achieving this goal is time. I feel like I'm playing, not working, so there is a guilt factor in all of this. I've still got to get through all my other work while I "play" online. I'll just do a little bit each week. I'm a bit of a gasbag so I don't mind putting thoughts onto paper (or onto web pages). I'm just worried that I'll get too involved in this self-learning experience and waste too much work time.

Anyway, I'll work it out as I go along. So far I have found Kathryn's screencasts for setting up gmail and blogs excellent. I have a great colleague who I can go to for help too, which is great. She knows who she is, so thanks Ms X.